SPRLC New Constitution

The State Government has legislated new Rules governing the running of Clubs and Associations in WA, whereas a Club’s constitution has to conform to the requirements of the Act and its Model Rules.This process had to be completed by 30th June 2019. SPRLC acknowledges that we did not meet this date, and the consequences are that our existing Constitution is now invalid and that the Club is subject to the conditions and rulings of the Model Rules (as contained in the Act) until such time as a new Constitution/Rules is adopted by our members, and then submitted to the State Government Department and then approved by that Department. Notice is hereby given that the Club will hold its AGM on Sunday 3rd November at 3pm.At that meeting a new Constitution/Rules will be voted on to be adopted, and the proposed Constitution is attached for member’s review. In essence it combines the requirements, clauses and wording of the Model Rules with the Club’s previous special clauses and wording from the old/existing Constitution.Any comments or proposed changes must be emailed to Club at admin@sprl.com.au by no later than Sunday 20th October.You must be a financial member to propose changes and to vote at the AGM. Bruce Greenwood and Michael Coleman (both Life Members) have vetted the drafting of the new Constitution and recommend acceptance

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